diumenge, 15 de maig del 2011

The lord of the rings

En una de les tasques d'escriure, el nostre professor d'anglès ens va demanar que agaféssim una escena d'una pel·lícula i la passéssim a narració escrita. De seguida vaig pensar en una emotiva escena de La germandat de l'Anell, de Els Senyors dels Anells, quan en Frodo desperta després de recuperar-se d'una ferida i retroba el seu estimat Bilbo.

M'agradaria compartir-ne la meva versió. A veure què us sembla ;)

nota: en cap cas, aquest escrit està copiat del llibre original.

Podeu veure l'escena aquí: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IeaGPZ6_Ks

A scene from the film The Lord of the Rings: The fellowship of the ring (directed by Peter Jackson, 2001) converted to book form

rodo left the room where he had stayed due to his injury. He was in Rivendell, land of the Elves. The atmosphere was full of calm and peace. A beautiful singing of birds was coming from some huge old green and brown trees. The buildings, standing just in front of a majestic waterfall, were magic themselves, with beautiful columns and ornamental roofs. Frodo, followed by his great friend Sam, walked along the corridors and the balconies of Rivendell.
Suddenly Frodo turned his head and something made him smile; his friends Pippin and Merry were running towards him. They hugged each other with great happiness. Then Frodo looked away and his expression changed. Behind a tree, sitting on a stone bench, there was an old fellow, swinging his legs as they didn’t reach the floor and writing in a book. Frodo had fixed his gaze on him, at first a little confused. But then, with great amusement and happiness, he realized the fellow was his uncle Bilbo. “Bilbo!” Frodo started to run towards him. Bilbo stopped writing and stood up.
“Hello, Frodo, my lad!” Bilbo hugged him with passion for a long time.
The two hobbits went alone on a balcony and Frodo, sitting on a bench, started to read Bilbo’s book. There and back again... a hobbit’s tale by Bilbo Baggins, he said reading the first page.
“This is wonderful!” and Frodo started to flick through the book.
“I meant to go back, wonder at the powers of Mirkwood, visit Lake-town, see the Lonely Mountain again.” Bilbo, who was at the edge of the balcony, turned back and with some difficulties went to sit next to Frodo. “But age, it seems, has finally caught up with me.”
Frodo continued flicking through the book. Then, he found a map of the Shire inside, drawn by Bilbo, who smiled as Frodo looked at it with a melancholic expression. “I miss the Shire,” he said, “I spent all my childhood pretending I was off somewhere else, off with you, on one of your adventures.” Frodo changed his expression and became a little sad. After a short pause he continued, “But my own adventure turned out to be quite different.” He stared at his uncle. “I’m not like you, Bilbo.”
“My dear boy!” said Bilbo stroking Frodo’s chest.

1 comentari:

  1. Versió compartida,Marc!
    Em sembla molt bé. Quina nota t'han posat?
